To commemorate this year’s BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH as always in October, our dynamic team & volunteers Slum and Rural Health Initiative Network – SRHIN in Oyo State, visited the Global School of Science, Iyana Church Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria.

BREAST CANCER has been a top-of-the-moment* issue with women all over the world. Some have successfully through sheer courage, support and adequate medical attention & treatment fought and won over the cankerworm. Whilst some face challenges, stigmas, rejections and mental health issues like depression, low self-esteem, and more.
The visit is a part of SRHIN’S advocacy outreaches and campaign towards achieving equal access to mental health information and services whilst creating awareness on Breast Cancer and how it can be prevented. Our team was heartily and cheerfully received by the entire school; from staff to pupils who enthusiastically participated in the awareness exercise.

The awareness exercise featured ways in which self-breast examination can be carried out. This session of the exercise was led by Ruth Oladele, Administrative Officer of Slum and rural Health Initiative Network (SRHIN). Ruth led the students in carrying out a self-breast examination on the spot of the campaign.

The Admin officer gave the steps to carrying out self-breast examination include; 1) stand in front of a mirror, 2) put your hands behind your head, 3) observe and look for changes in skin colour, size and discharge, check the nipples for dimpling and pluckering, 4)use the pads of your three middle fingers and lastly palpate each quadrant thoroughly and carefully. She also noted these changes if noticed when carrying out an examination, are signs or symptoms of breast cancer.
The awareness ended with chants and photographs of students and staff of the Global School of Science, SRHIN team and volunteers.