Youth For HPV Vaccine
SRHIN is promoting HPV Vaccination uptake using community-centered and school-based advocacy, media advocacy, innovative digital technology to send reminders and evidence-based research that informs sub-national, state and national policies
What is SRHIN doing to address this Issue?
We have reached thousands of young people through our schhol-based HPV Vaccine campaigns in schools and communities
Our volunteers have engaged radio, TV and other media platforms to inform, educate, debunk myths and misinformation on HPV vaccines
We send digital reminders to young people who voluntarily enroll on our platform.
Find out about our other interventions
More on Our Work on HPV
Here are ways you can help
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Join SRHIN’s fight to end HPV Vaccination apathy among youth in Nigeria.
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Partner with us today to end HPV Vaccination apathy among youth in Nigeria.
Contribute to SRHIN’s fight to end Sexual and Gender-based violence in IDP campHPV Vaccination apathy among youth in Nigeria.