Slum and Rural Health Initiative



Eradicating Hepatitis B

Despite being preventable and treatable, Hepatitis B remains a significant global health challenge, affecting millions of lives each year

What is SRHIN doing to address this Issue?

The Eradicate Hepatitis B Project is aimed at addressing Hepatitis B vaccine misinformation, improve screening and uptake of Hepatitis B vaccine among residents of Lalupon community in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Project Features​

Hepatitis B Education & Sensitization Campaigns

The project will launch a comprehensive educational campaign aimed at enlightening community members about the importance of hepatitis B vaccination, prevention strategies, and available treatment options.

Free Hepatitis B Screening

As part of this project, free hepatitis B screening services will be offered to the community members where at least 200 women will have the opportunity to undergo screening conducted by medical professionals, aiding in early detection and diagnosis.

Referral & Linkage

Individuals who test positive for hepatitis B during the screening will be linked to health facilities (Secondary and Tertiary) where they can access free or subsidized specialized care and treatment. 

Vaccination Drive

Through the vaccination drive, at least 100 women including pregnant women, lactating and mothers of children under five years of age will be provided with the hepatitis B vaccine at the Lalupon Primary Healthcare Centre.

Development and translation of IEC materials

As part of this project, free hepatitis B screening services will be offered to the community members where at least 200 women will have the opportunity to undergo screening conducted by medical professionals, aiding in early detection and diagnosis.

Here are ways you can help

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