Slum and Rural Health Initiative


Is health truly wealth?

Dear Reader, let me tell you something, with the few years I have spent on earth, the question above had just one answer which is YES. Also, with my few years of experience in the medical line, health is truly wealth. Let no one tell you otherwise. You will also agree with me from your own personal experience, it is better to be healthy than to be sick. I think I should take out time to define our terms.

Health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Wealth on the other hand according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is an abundance of valuable material possessions or resources.

Permit me to dwell much on the physical health. There’s so much pain and discomfort when an individual is ill. There’s significant loss of human resources during those periods, there’s stress on family members or caregivers. I was sick for a week few weeks back and I can tell you it was a horrible experience for me and everyone around. I stressed the people taking care of and I could have paid any amount just to go back to my normal healthy self.

Access to good healthcare is another reason to just stay healthy in Nigeria. This process leads to waste of time, waste of money and waste of resources. There’s a saying where I’m training that ‘good radiotherapy is not cheap and cheap radiotherapy is not good’. Medical supplies have now become very expensive. Pre- Covid pandemic, one could get a pack of gloves between 750 naira to 1000 naira depending on the brand, but as at today, dear Readers, I do not think you can get it for less than 3000 naira.

Still on physical wellbeing, let’s briefly use COVID-19 as an example. To get tested for this infection can cost nothing less than 40,000 naira. To get admitted for treatment in some private hospitals, an initial deposit of nothing less than a million naira is required. Let me just quickly tell you that COVID-19 infection is real. Avoid crowded places, use your face masks appropriately at all times. Ensure that you wash your hands regularly. Better safe than sorry.

Before you think too much about Health Insurance Schemes, allow me to tell you the little I know from experiences. First, these schemes have not captured every citizen of this country. Many people are currently not benefiting from it. Second, these schemes do not cover all medical bills. I have even heard of cases where people under these schemes are being given cheap and less effective drugs. Also, there are a lot of unnecessary and tiring processes associated with accessing these services at hospitals after an individual is fully registered with them. I’ll just conclude that it is better to spend one’s money on investment and enjoyment than on health issues.

Mental wellbeing also according to the WHO is not just absence of mental disorder. It is a state in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and can contribute to his or her community. Imagine that you can discover your potential and you can channel it into something that brings you joy. You are also channeling it into something that generates money. There is fulfillment that comes with being able to work productively and positively impact the community. There are so many resources that can be at one’s disposal when an individual is mentally well. Ability to cope with normal stress will give an individual ability to work under any condition. It also helps to manage a unique people.

Social wellbeing is the ability of the people to be from want of necessities and to coexist peacefully in community with opportunities for advancement. In a place where people do not need to worry about food, shelter and clothing, people can focus on other things that will benefit them. In a peaceful community, you can sleep soundly and you do not have to overspend on security measures. You are not up all night praying that your shop should not be burgled or burnt down overnight. There is no fear of safety for your children and relatives. There is time and ease in planning one’s present life and future. All these in total will affect an individual’s general health.

How can you live a healthy and wealthy life? Let me share a few points with you:

  • Live peacefully with people around you
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Reduce salt intake
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Sleep well
  • Exercise
  • Make time for enjoyment
  • Avoid injuries

In conclusion, you will agree with me that health is truly wealth. A healthy person can achieve anything. Stay healthy!!!




  1. World Health Organization. Retrieved from:
  2. Merriam Webster Dictionary
  3. World Health Organization. Mental Health: Strengthening our response. Retrieved from:
  4. Social Well-Being-United States Institute of Peace
  5. Tips for staying Healthy|Patient Education|UCSF Health. Retrieved from:

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