Slum and Rural Health Initiative



Mental health ignited a new transformation as certain misconceptions and oversights were being addressed as a result of the enactment of the National Mental Health Act 2021, implemented in 2023, which enhances support for people’s well-being. In the recent years, there have been a positive shift in how we view mental health, with increased awareness and focus on the challenges individuals confront. Recognizing mental health’s importance has led to efforts to reduce stigma. However, some challenges remain. Unequal access to mental health resources, stigma, misunderstandings, and insufficient funding create disparities, favoring some individuals. Despite progress, these issues persist, highlighting the need to ensure fair and comprehensive mental health support for all.

Impact of the National Mental Health Act

The Act establishes a Department of Mental Health Services in the Federal Ministry of Health, to propose national mental health policies, promote mental wellbeing, healthcare services and facilitate the provision of human care including treatment and rehabilitation in a least restrictive environment, among others. Some functions of the Department include promoting and facilitating collaboration among agencies and disciplines and supporting the strengthening of community and facility linkages of mental health services; ensuring and guaranteeing the fundamental rights and safety of persons with mental health conditions, and protecting them from discrimination and stigmatization. Others include maintaining a national directory of mental health care facilities accredited for the admission and treatment of persons with mental health conditions, and conducting regular inspection of these facilities to ensure compliance with the guidelines for the treatment and care of persons with mental health conditions.

The Act also establishes a Mental Health Fund for the implementation of this provisions which will be financed by voluntary contributions from individuals, organizations and the private sector. The Act establishes a Mental Health Assessment Committee with the objective of ensuring the protection of persons with mental health conditions.

Challenges Faced by Implementation of the Act

Funding and Resources: The Act’s requires resources to become more reliable. Limited funding hinder its goals, leading to restricted support and wider gaps in care.


  • Advocacy for Funding: Convincing decision makers of the importance of mental health and securing budget allocation.
  • Collaboration with Partners: Joining forces with organizations and private entities to improve financial support.
  • Spreading Awareness: Educating the public about the critical role of mental health funding for a healthier society.

Stigma and Misunderstanding: Despite progress, stigma and misunderstanding about mental health still linger, hindering help seeking and perpetuating disparities.


  • Educational Campaigns: Informing the public to debunk myths and foster empathy towards mental health challenges.
  • Training Initiatives: Training professionals to be culturally sensitive, enabling better care for diverse backgrounds.
  • Media Involvement: Collaborating with media outlets to present mental health accurately and responsibly.


The National Mental Health Act represents a ray of hope for transformative change. The challenges we encounter illuminate areas for growth. By bridging funding gaps and dismantling stigma, we pave the way for an inclusive and robust mental health support system. The Act’s potential remains within reach, shaping a brighter future for mental health care.

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