Slum and Rural Health Initiative



When it comes to health, nothing beats the fact that prevention is better than cure. Certainly, when it comes to protecting against infections, the skin does a very good job. Taking good care of the skin is important for more than just one’s appearance. As the largest organ you have, your skin is essential to your general health. If you take care of it, it can help take care of you. Keeping our skin healthy and moist helps keep the barrier against any possible infection very strong.

Some reasons why skin care is important to the health

  1. While many people want their skin to look attractive, the most important reason to keep it clean is that skin provides a protective barrier for the rest of your body. A healthy skin confers on one a healthy body.
  2. Skin that is not regularly cleaned can become irritated, and this can lead to rashes and sores. Putting aside the health issues such as infections, this is simply less comfortable. It is your first line of defense against bacteria, and it therefore, makes good sense to keep the barrier strong and healthy. Dry and irritated skin gets damaged more easily. Cracks can form, and this can make it more likely to get infected. A healthy skin provides greater comfort.
  3. Good skin care is essential to graceful aging. Babies have smooth, soft skin that is wrinkle free and moist. Over time harsh elements in the environment wear on the skin making is dryer and tougher. With age comes wrinkles and sagging in the skin. Good skin care and a healthy skin can slow down the harmful effects of time and the environment.
  4. Cleaning your skin and using a good moisturizer helps to keep the skin hydrated. Skin can easily become dehydrated, and when this happens it develops a wrinkled look and can cause irritation. By cleansing your skin properly, you can ensure it stays properly hydrated.
  5. Skin is an important factor for self-confidence. When we look good, we feel good. Our skin is a big part of our appearance.

In conclusion, a healthy integumentary system (your skin) promotes overall health and has the potential to boost (or bust) your confidence as you move about and socialize in the world.

Written by: BADA BASIRAT


  • August, 2011. Importance of Good Skin Care. Retrieved from
  • October, 2019. Why Keeping Your Skin Clean Is So Important. Retreived from clean-is-so-important/
  • important-to-take-care-of-your-skin/amp/

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